New, Improved Lyme Vaccine Recommended

Due to the high prevalence of Lyme disease in this area, the Elkhorn Veterinary Clinic considers Lyme vaccination a core vaccine for all dogs. Lyme disease risk areas are expanding due to favorable tick habitats, the blurring of urban and suburban boundaries, and an increase in the number of pets that travel. In 2015, one in sixteen dogs tested positive for the disease. Signs of Lyme disease are shifting leg lameness, fever, lethargy and possibly chronic arthritis. Fortunately a new, improved Lyme vaccine is available that offers broader protection than previous Lyme vaccines with less adverse reactions. For optimal protection of the broader Lyme coverage, dogs should receive two doses of the new vaccine even if they have been previously vaccinated. After the initial two dose series, annual revaccination is recommended. Please contact the clinic if you have questions or concerns about protecting your dog from Lyme disease.
Horse owners may also take advantage of Lyme vaccination to protect their horse from the disease. Ask your veterinarian for more information at your horse’s next preventive care visit.